My Friend
My Friend
If you peer behind the glass facade, into this cranial abyss
I reckon you'd discover there, how things are quite remiss
But on top of that once you explore, behind the bars of bone
Expect to find complacency, a warm and homey tone
A comfort in the drowsiness, contentment in the fog
Yet sorrow, pain and and loneliness, mixing up the smog
For in this space I feel secure, yet tortured all the same
It’s no marvel why you wonder so, is he really sane
And no matter of the distance run, I'm no further away
The vices of this evil fiend, still are holding sway
For in the mirror, if you stare, no horns will appear
An assuring guise will greet you back, an image so austere
Save beneath the chasm-ed walls, a dungeon dark and bleak
That once you listen close enough, is audible the shriek
Of those confined by stigmas, which leave them in the dust
As they languish in their misery, wanting to combust
And the spiral never seems to end, spinning past your dreams
For the distant light remains just that, mocking all your screams
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